Poiema - The Father's Love
The ministry was built not on one voice but rather a collection of believers who were of like mind and on one accord. During this year we celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Poiema, The Father’s Love. We would like to recognize Marie Scinto and her love for the Lord. Marie faithfully shares God’s love and His word through Poiema.

“For you are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that you should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

The word ‘workmanship’ in this scripture comes from the Greek word poiéma. It is where we get our word poem. A poem is defined as something that arouses strong emotions because of its beauty. You are God’s poem! His Word tells you that He knew you before the world was ever created. When He imagined you, your beauty roused Him to create you! He thinks you are beautiful and His love for you created you! You are unique and special to Him, and when your work on earth is done, He wants you to come live with Him for eternity in Heaven.

If you want to know about the Father’s love look towards the Cross. There you will find where God, through Christ, reconciled the world to Himself not counting our sins against us. Our pursuit of God is really a Holy set-up; it is actually the Father pursuing us. He hides Himself in order to be found. Have you ever hidden in an easy spot playing hide and seek with a child? As you watched them seek with great joy in their hearts, you could barely contain the joy in yours for them to find you! God has already made the first move in Christ. He is not hiding in a place that we cannot find Him. He is taking us on a seeking journey that will bring us into a deeper relationship with Him filled with anticipation and unspeakable joy. “The rarest treasures of life are found in His truth. That’s why I prize God’s Word like others prize the finest gold. Nothing brings the soul such sweetness as seeking His Living Words.” (Psalm 19:10)

My name is Marie Scinto and I am inviting you to come along on a journey with me to seek out the love of the Father together through Poiema. God’s Word inspires me. What inspires you?

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